MEMS Express: Standard Process Platforms

"One Product, one process" is one of the key features of the MEMS industry. MEMS wafer foundry develops and creates dedicated and robust wafer manufacturing process in accordance to its unique design of each device. In general, it takes more than one year. However, the designs and process requirements of certain types of MEMS products are getting more and more alike after the evolution in years.

Working as a pure-play MEMS foundry, APM consolidates and proposes the standard process platforms to assists our customers to shorten the development period, to reduce the development cost and to facilitate fast time-to-market. With extensive experiences in MEMS wafer production, we provide the pre-defined and robust manufacturing processing flow & parameters for certain MEMS devices proactively, but still offer enough flexibility in design changing and/or adding other performance features to create your own highly potential MEMS product. We call it "MEMS Express".

In further, APM has been working on creating a series of reference devices ready for production. You simply check the genetic specifications to make sure those devices meet your applications. With little or no modification, APM can offer these devices to you in a short period of time.
